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Infinity Gongs

IG126 Infinity Gong Sun

The Infinity gong oscillates at 126,2 Hz in the solar tone. In the transient phase after the attack, the fundamental tone with the overtone spectrum can be heard. However, the overtones quickly fade out and the fundamental tone fundamental tone dominates and gradually begins to pulsate. A unique experience in meditation, sound or music therapy. The sun is the center of our solar system. Therefore, the solar tone is also associated with the physical center. The solar tone is the limit of expansion and contraction, that limit which is also called gravitational length. The tone of the sun gives life energy. In addition, it helps to find one's own center and thus builds self-confidence.

  • Icon specials Incl. mallet MA106
  • Icon default Weight: 5.5 Kgs
  • Icon default 126,2 Hz
  • Icon default Handpicked aluminum tubes
  • Icon default Vibration neutral smoked oak frame
  • Icon default Length: 194,5 cm

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